Is Bodybuilding Media Really the Problem in the Industry?

Back in the day, we had bodybuilding and fitness magazines that promoted the sport of bodybuilding. They did interviews with the athletes, published information about them, talked about shows, who did what and why, but today those magazines are basically all gone. The new era of bodybuilding media is here, and everything is online and immediate.

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Social media is taking over as fans, and bodybuilding media personalities flock to the various platforms to post images, videos, opinions, feedback, and thoughts. Things these days move at a faster pace than they did back when the magazines were showing up in people’s mailboxes (unfortunately, magazines are dead now). Now, you have live streams online from the show and people posting images as the athletes walk out on stage. Bodybuilding media has evolved, and you no longer need to wait a month just to know what happened at shows, who won, and how everyone looked.

weekly newsletter

While I consider myself part of the bodybuilding media, I’ve somewhat stepped back from content revolving around the sport because athletes are so damn soft these days. For big, muscular guys full of testosterone, you’d think through their emotions they were a girl going through puberty when someone from bodybuilding media says something about them.

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So, is the bodybuilding media really to blame for athletes getting upset? Are they doing more harm than good? Let’s discuss.

Bodybuilding Media is the ONLY Group Helping Athletes

Backtracking to the good old days with bodybuilding magazines, those outlets were the only way bodybuilders were known and featured. If you weren’t in magazines, no one knew about you. Well, today is no different, only the platform is digital. If people and bodybuilding media outlets aren’t talking about you, no one knows you or what’s going on.

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You have platforms such as Nick’s Strength and Power, Bro Chat, Desktop Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding & BS, Rx Muscle, and many others who cover all the happenings in the sport. Are they correct 100% of the time? No. But are they doing their best to report factual news? Most of them are.

The fact of the matter is that without them, you don’t matter as a bodybuilder. No one else is shining a light on you. Do you actually think the IFBB cares about you, your financial stability, and your future? Quit kidding yourself.

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What has the IFBB done for you other than giving you a stage to walk onto? Do they cover your bills? Do you have a contract like any other pro sports league where you get paid whether you win or lose? Do they provide you with benefits such as medical? Do they have athletic trainers who look after you to ensure you are healthy? If you’re doing well, can you renegotiate your contract for more money? What deals outside of the sport have the IFBB helped you secure, such as commercials or being the face of a marketing campaign? More importantly, how much are you getting paid from competing, and how much does it cost just so that you can have an IFBB pro card and get into shows?

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.