Gun Control vs Opioid Overdoses: We’re Fighting the Wrong Battle!

Gun control has been a major topic of discussion for years. The second amendment was put in place for a reason, yet many Americans want to step on the freedoms we have been given and side with the government. If we lose the second amendment, you can kiss the first amendment goodbye too. Yet, with that being said, opioid overdoses are being brushed under the rug for some reason. Why?

Last time I checked, it was legal to own a firearm, and it was illegal to possess, use, and sell opioids. Yet, in 2020 the CDC reported that we had 75,673 opioid overdoses in the US versus 45,222 gun-related deaths (this number is deceiving, and we’ll get into that in just a minute). But last I checked, 75,000 was a larger number than 45,000. If you want to take it a step further and look at the big picture when it comes to drugs and overdoses, Hartford Healthcare found that more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses during this time. That’s more than double the deaths that were gun-related (but again, the true number dissected in just a moment).

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This country has a hard-on toward gun control. Talk about being one of the most un-American things to be. The government does not want Americans owning firearms. Why is this? It’s quite simple for those who can read between the lines — they want to control the population and fears a well-armed country that refuses to do as they say.

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Look at the news, and you’ll see reporters talking about shootings and gun control every single day. For some reason, they seem to skip over all the opioid overdoses that happen on a daily basis or even the instances that happen across the country where good people with guns stop bad people with guns (those stories never see the light of day). Is this because it’s not a focus? Not a concern? Doesn’t fit the agenda? Or all of the above? I’m going with the latter.

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Gun Control vs Opioid Overdoses

You don’t need to be some sort of researcher to use Google and find out that we are fighting the wrong battles in this country. Is gun control really an issue? Or do we have a socioeconomic issue? Do we have a gun control issue? Or do we have a mental health issue?

Here’s the interesting thing, mental health can be a part of the gun control debate the same as it can in opioid overdoses. When looking at the numbers, you would assume the government would want to solve the one causing the most deaths, but for some reason, they aren’t.

Looking at the same data I presented from the CDC above, they also stated that suicides accounted for more than half of all gun deaths in 2020 (the number is actually 54%). What aligns with suicide? Mental health. This isn’t a gun issue. This is a mental health issue where the tool of choice just happens to be a gun — no different than people with mental health issues who die due to opioid overdoses to cope with the mental health issues or pain and suffering.

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So, let’s break down the numbers and dive in a little deeper. 54% of 45,222 gun-related deaths come to 24,420 people who used a firearm to commit suicide. That leaves 20,802 gun-related deaths that were not considered suicide. Circling back to opioid overdoses, that’s 20,802 gun deaths (unrelated to suicide) versus 75,673 deaths due to opioid overdoses.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that gun control should not be our main concern. Let’s face it, those who want to commit suicide will do so by whatever means necessary. Whether it be opioid overdoses, hanging, jumping off a high platform, drowning, cutting themselves, you name it. This is a mental health issue, not a gun control issue like the politicians, government, and media want you to believe.

If Gun Control Was the Concern… Explain This

Looking at the data presented by in 2020, gun control (while it may prevent some deaths) really won’t make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things when comparing weapons used. Let’s take the AR-15 platform since that weapon has been the talk of every gun control debate.

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According to the data, here are the deaths by “weapon” in 2020. We’ll start with rifles (not necessarily designating every rifle death to the AR-15, but rather rifles in general) since that is what we want to compare all the others to:

  • Rifles (including but not limited to AR-15s): 455 deaths
  • Knives or Cutting Instruments: 1,739 deaths
  • Other Weapons or Weapons Not Stated: 983 deaths
  • Hands, Fists, Feet, etc.: 662

Just so we’re all clear here, there were more deaths due to each of those other categories listed than rifles. But for some reason, the big, black rifle is the talk of every gun control debate there is out there.

Let me make this a little clearer for you and say it a little louder for the people in the back… You are more likely to be murdered by someone punching and kicking you to death than you are being murdered by an AR-15. For those of you who understand math and statistics, this should ultimately end the gun control debate as it pertains to the AR-15, which is the focal point.

But again, let me reiterate the fact that there are 75,673 deaths due to opioid overdoses every year. I’ll ask you once again… why are we focusing on gun control and not opioid overdoses?

Where are much, if not nearly all, of our opioids coming from? Mexico and drug cartels are bringing it illegally into our country. What could help stop many of the opioid overdoses? Making opioids illegal. Wait, they already are. Weird. How about stopping illegals and those in drug cartels from coming into our nation? Like having our borders closed and protected? What a concept, right?

But the real issue is gun control — at least that’s what career politicians and governments who want to control the people believe. It’s easier to control people when they have no power, voice, or way to defend themselves, right? Is this all making sense yet?

Criminals Only Care About Money — Just Like the Government

When you think about it, taxation is nothing more than theft. The cost of the Civil War caused the government to create a wealth income tax back in 1861. It started out as a 3% tax on income over $800. And well, we all know how those rates increased from that point forward as we all watch the taxes being taken out of our paychecks.

Income tax was only supposed to last for a given term or period before ending. However, the sixteenth amendment was not properly ratified, so here we are today, giving Uncle Sam money that he doesn’t deserve and taking it away from the hard-working American.

Sounds sort of like Robin Hood, no? Only they’re stealing from everyone to pad their pockets and waste our money on things that haven’t improved the country.

Look at “Gun-Free Zones” and tell me how they’re working. Just about every active shooter instance took place in a gun-free zone. Why? Because criminals can do as they please and understand that they can take many lives since no rounds will be heading back in their direction until the police arrive. This is essentially gun control in a nutshell.

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Taking firearms away from law-abiding citizens sets the stage for mass casualty events. But again, let me remind you that there are currently more opioid overdoses in the US with the current policies and procedures in place.

Criminals don’t care about laws. Gun control won’t fix the issue, it will only make it worse by allowing guns in the hands of criminals (because they’re going to get them from the streets and black market), and now we have people with bad intentions going after people who just want to live their lives and survive.

But I guess we’re just supposed to call 911 and wait 11 minutes until police arrive and pray we don’t die, right? Because the government is here to protect us (laugh out loud).

When you look at criminals and the government, there are more similarities than there are differences. Neither care about you, your family, your health, or your income. They just want to ensure they can take from you what they wish and by any means necessary.

That’s an interesting way of looking at things. What puts more fear into the minds of criminals and the government? Guns or opioids? That’s a simple answer, guns. So, do you think gun control is nothing more than another step towards further controlling Americans, or are you still delusional over there, thinking the government is looking out for us and our best interests? News flash, they aren’t.

Let me remind you that if the government cared about you or your health, cigarettes would be illegal due to the risk of causing cancer. The CDC has published a report showing that more than 480,000 deaths occur yearly due to cigarette smoking. 1,300 deaths per day. Nearly one in five deaths annually are due to cigarette smoking. But the government makes so much money off that industry that they’d eliminate a significant revenue generator for them if they banned the sale of cigarettes. If you haven’t seen it, go watch Thank You For Smoking.

Gun control is not the demon the media and politicians are playing it out to be. They are shouting from the mountain-tops and pounding their chest like they have the answers to solve our problems, but they refuse to look at actual data and statistics because it would show they’re off their rockers.

Opioid overdoses are killing more people than guns, period. There’s no refuting that fact. It’s in the data and statistics. We need to stop listening to the government and corrupt career politicians and start making our voices heard on REAL concerns this nation faces. And according to the statistics, gun control is not at the top of our list, and quite frankly, it’s unconstitutional.

If you appreciate the information I put together in this article and agree (or disagree) with what I’ve said, please share this on your social media accounts and websites. It takes time (that the media refuses to take) to do the necessary research and put content like this together. A share would be greatly appreciated.


Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.