Upper Glute Workouts: Get More Lift & Shape to Your Butt

Do you want a better-looking bum that looks good from all angles, upper glute workouts are where it’s at. If your upper glutes are lacking, we have exercises to build an upper glute that’ll turn heads. 

Climbing the mountain to a lifted, shaped butt can feel daunting. Peering into the mirror, wishing for that perfectly round and strong booty but not knowing how to get there — many women (and even some men) know that feeling all too well.

The secret to achieving a head-turning bum is building those upper glutes — the key players in achieving the sought-after “glute shelf” so many women strive for. But you can’t build the ultimate butt on just squats and lunges. There are certain exercises to build the upper and lower glutes. But you need to train the upper glutes with certain butt exercises if you want to build your upper shelf.

As a personal trainer who works with men and women of all ages and athletic abilities, I find one exercise that gets added to just about all upper glute workouts: barbell hip thrusts, which are a favorite among experts aiming to specifically target the upper glutes. 

To further develop the upper glutes of my clients, I dove deeper into research to find the most effective upper glute workouts to get the results my clients desire.

upper glute workouts

What I found was quite enlightening — strategies and upper glute exercises to sculpt your entire glute like barbell hip thrusts, resistance band movements such as banded glute bridges, and other precise actions aimed at chiseling your upper backside.

This article is designed to break down these strategies into manageable tips you can effortlessly blend into your upper glute workouts.

Are you ready for a rear-view transformation? Let’s dive into it and learn the best exercises in order to target both the upper and lower portions of your glutes!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.

Key Takeaways

  • Barbell hip thrusts and resistance band movements like banded glute bridges are top exercises for targeting your upper glutes. These help achieve the sought-after “glute shelf” by focusing on muscle engagement in your butt.
  • Strengthening the upper glutes supports your hips and lower back, improving stability during heavy lifts and everyday activities. Exercises such as hip abductions and single-leg hip thrusts are crucial for this.
  • For maximum growth of the upper glutes, include compound movements with low reps and heavy weights in your workout routine. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, and step-ups can significantly enhance strength and shape.
  • Avoid common mistakes like neglecting progressive overload or adequate recovery to prevent hindering muscle growth in the upper glutes. Also, emphasizing proper form ensures effective engagement of targeted muscles without causing strain.
  • Incorporating high-repetition workouts leads to a muscle “pump” in the glutes, promoting optimal growth when combined with strategies like using lighter weights and short rest periods for tension and metabolic stress.
upper glute workouts

Importance of Targeting the Upper Glutes

Moving from the basics of upper glute workouts, let’s dive into why focusing on this muscle group is a game-changer for those looking to pump up their peach. In order to build a great backside, you need to put specific exercises into your routine and place your upper glutes as a priority to achieve one of the best upper shelves possible. 

The upper glutes, or the top part of your butt muscles, aren’t just about looks; they play a pivotal role in supporting your hips and lower back. Strengthening them can literally lift your performance across exercises.

I found out firsthand how crucial these muscles are during my own training sessions, testing out various exercises for upper glute workouts. Before, I paid special attention to them, I struggled with certain movements and couldn’t figure out why.

It turns out my upper glutes were lagging behind! Once I started incorporating specific exercises like hip abductions and barbell hip thrusts into my routine, not only did my shape improve, but so did my stability during heavy lifts.

This was a clear sign that targeting this area wasn’t just beneficial — it was necessary for overall strength and posture improvement.

Building that desired “shelf” look requires more than random workouts; it demands focus on movements that engage the gluteus medius directly.

Trust me, adding these targeted activities has been a real eye-opener in terms of enhancing not just aesthetics but also functionally supporting daily motions and intense workout moves alike.

The Best Upper Glute Exercises for Upper Glute Shelf Development

upper glute workouts

Certain exercises are key when trying to build your upper glutes. Get ready to sculpt and strengthen your upper glutes with these top exercises that focus on growing the upper part of your glute maximus:

·      Ramp up your glute gains with the Barbell Hip Thrust, a powerhouse move for building muscle.

·      Strengthen and tone using the Single Leg Hip Thrust, targeting the upper gluteus maximus for maximum lift.

·      Enhance your workout with Cable Standing Hip Abductions, zeroing in on the whole upper butt and glute area.

·      Activate those upper glutes even more with the Banded Glute Bridge — perfect for rounding out your routine.

1.   Barbell Hip Thrust

I always tell people that if you’re looking to build upper glutes that the barbell hip thrust is a game changer in your training plan. This exercise really targets the muscle, teaching it to extend the hips fully, which is crucial for strength, speed, and power. If you want to work your upper glutes hard and strive for more overall glute size and shape, the barbell hip thrust is perfect for building the shelf.

Related Article: Is a Hip Thrust Belt Your Key to a Better Butt?

I’ve seen firsthand how adding this to upper glute workouts has made my clients’ glutes stronger and more shaped. The key function of pushing your hips into full extension hits the glute max hard — exactly what we want for that upper butt lift. They even have inexpensive machines that you can have at your home to hit your hip thrusts with resistance.

Making it tougher by throwing in a loaded barbell or even a band around your legs just takes things up a notch. It’s not just about building muscle; these variations also ramp up core stability and get those back muscles working, too.

Trust me, after incorporating heavy weights with low reps of barbell hip thrusts into your workouts, you’ll be able to feel your entire posterior chain engage like never before. And let’s not forget the single-leg version — talk about isolating those muscles! Each time I press up, I can almost hear my glutes thanking me for giving them such focused attention. This is definitely one of the best exercises to grow your upper glute max.

2.   Single Leg Hip Thrust

The single-leg hip thrust is a powerhouse for targeting your glutes — including all three glute muscles (the gluteus maximus, glute medius, and gluteus minimus). This exercise helps shape and lift your butt, making it a must in upper glute workouts.

You lie on the ground, flex one glute to raise your butt, then push through your heel to lift your hips slightly above your knees. Holding at the peak of this move for 1-3 seconds really fires up those muscles. You can do this glute exercise with weights or without.

To add more challenge and build muscle faster, I sometimes use a barbell for extra weight.

Using proper form is key to getting all the benefits without hurting yourself. I always focus on squeezing my muscles tight at the top and keeping my movements smooth.

Adding single-leg hip thrusts into my clients’ upper glute workouts has significantly improved their butt’s shape and strength — no gym equipment necessary if you’re just starting out or prefer bodyweight exercises.

Let’s dive into cable standing hip abductions next, another great move for sculpting that upper portion of your backside.

3.   Cable Standing Hip Abductions

Transitioning from single-leg hip thrusts to cable standing hip abductions, it’s crucial to maintain the focus on upper glute development. Cable standing hip abductions effectively target the hip abductors and strengthen the upper glutes.

These exercises contribute significantly to achieving a more sculpted and defined butt shape, making them essential in any comprehensive upper glute workouts.

Incorporating ankle straps can amplify the efficiency of cable exercises for the glutes. Combining cable standing hip abductions with other glute-targeting movements like squats and glute kickbacks creates a well-rounded approach for enhancing overall lower body strength and muscle growth.

If you don’t have access to a gym, you can do this exercise at home by using some booty bands.

4.   Banded Glute Bridge

The banded glute bridge, with its resistance bands, is a top exercise for upper glute development. It targets the gluteus maximus muscle — which is essential for building an upper glute shelf.

Incorporating this variation into your workout routine can help to sculpt and strengthen your butt effectively.

To perform the banded glute bridge, place a resistance band just above your knees and then lift your hips off the ground while engaging your core and squeezing your glutes at the top.

This exercise helps in activating and strengthening not only the glutes but also the core muscles. As you raise up through each repetition, focus on maintaining control and feeling the burn in your upper glutes. The upper portion of the gluteus should be on fire.

Including this move, along with other exercises focused on upper glute work, can bring desired results in improving the lift and shape of your butt effectively. You can also utilize the kas glute bridge as an exercise to target your glute building and booty shelf.

Upper Glute Workout Strategies for the Best Glute Growth & Glute Activation

upper glute workouts

Let’s take a peek at some of the best upper glute workout strategies you can incorporate into your glute workouts to see the best glute growth possible.

1.   Incorporate Compound Movements with Low Reps and Heavy Weight

To optimize upper glute growth, I found that incorporating compound exercises and movements with low reps and heavy weight is crucial. In my experience, these exercises have delivered significant results for muscle development and strength. Here are some top exercises to consider:

  1. Squats: A fundamental compound movement that engages the entire lower body, including the glutes.
  2. Deadlifts: An effective exercise for targeting the glutes while also engaging the hamstrings and lower back.
  3. Lunges: A versatile exercise that targets each leg individually, allowing for balanced development in the glutes.
  4. Step-Ups: An excellent unilateral exercise to isolate each leg and emphasize glute engagement.

These exercises have proven to be highly effective in my fitness routine, delivering visible improvements in my and my clients’ upper glute strength and shape over time.

2.   Utilize Eccentric Contractions and Extended Range of Motion

To optimize upper glute growth, consider incorporating eccentric contractions and an extended range of motion into your upper glute workouts. This technique can help target the upper glutes effectively and stimulate muscle growth.

  1. Perform slow and controlled lowering phases during exercises to emphasize the eccentric component of the movement. For example, focus on lowering the weight in a barbell hip thrust with a 4-6 second count.
  2. Increase the range of motion by using a wider stance or deeper squat position during exercises like cable standing hip abductions to engage the upper glutes more intensely.
  3. Implement tempo training, where you deliberately extend the time spent in both the eccentric and concentric phases of an exercise to maximize muscle tension and recruitment.
  4. Experiment with pauses at different points in an exercise, such as holding at the bottom position of a banded glute bridge for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.
  5. Gradually increase resistance while maintaining controlled form to challenge the muscles with eccentric loading, promoting strength and hypertrophy development in the upper glutes.

Remember to progressively overload these techniques over time with your upper glute workouts for continued upper glute development.

3.   Aim for High Repetition Workouts to Achieve Glute Muscle “Pump”

To achieve a muscle “pump” in the glutes, aim for high-rep sets of exercises. This can lead to increased muscle tension and metabolic stress in the glutes, contributing to optimal growth.

  1. Use lighter weights and shorter rest periods to achieve the desired muscle pump.
  2. Incorporate high-rep, pump-inducing exercises such as banded glute bridges and cable standing hip abductions.
  3. Focus on achieving no more than 12 reps to maximize muscle tension and metabolic stress.
  4. Include compound movements with low reps and heavy weights in your upper glute workout strategy.
  5. High-repetition workouts are essential for achieving a successful muscle pump in the glutes.

By incorporating high-repetition workouts into your upper glute workouts, you can effectively achieve the desired muscle “pump” and promote optimal growth in your upper glutes.

Common Mistakes with the Best Exercises in Upper Glute Training

upper glute workouts

Neglecting progressive overload is a common mistake in upper glute training that hinders muscle growth. Inadequate recovery can also impede progress and lead to potential injury.

Let’s look at some of the most common mistakes people make with their upper glute workouts.

1.   Overlooking Progressive Overload to Build Your Glutes

Progressive overload is vital for upper glute growth and strength. Neglecting it can hinder progress and limit muscle development. It means gradually increasing the demands on your muscles to keep pushing their limits, leading to better gains in power and strength.

It’s important to remember that without progressive overload, our upper glute workouts may not yield the desired results. To achieve optimal growth in our upper glutes, we need to consistently challenge our muscles with increased demands over time.

2.   Neglecting Adequate Recovery After Doing the Best Glute Exercises

Skipping proper recovery can lead to weak glutes and muscle imbalances, hindering our efforts to build a stronger backside. Adequate rest prevents “dead butt syndrome” and enhances glute activation.

It’s essential for avoiding training mistakes and realizing that perfect bikini-ready butt shape!

3.   Ignoring Proper Form & Not Following Your Upper Glute Anatomy

Ignoring proper form can lead to lower back tension instead of targeting the upper glutes. For example, when performing a Romanian deadlift, it’s crucial to maintain proper form to effectively engage the upper glutes and avoid placing unnecessary strain on the lower back.

The emphasis should be on executing movements with precision and control, ensuring that the targeted muscles are being activated while minimizing the risk of injury or discomfort.

Remembering these points is vital in achieving optimal results from your upper glute workouts. By focusing on form, you can effectively target the upper glutes without causing undue stress on other muscle groups.

Build Upper Top of Your Glutes with Effective Upper Glute Workouts

upper glute workouts

To wrap this all up, upper glute workouts are essential for sculpting and strengthening your buttocks. By incorporating targeted exercises such as barbell hip thrusts and cable standing hip abductions, you can effectively develop your upper glutes.

Related Article: Ladies — Can Transdermal Fat Loss Save Your Butt?

Remember to focus on proper form and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time for optimal results. Consistency is key in achieving a firmer, rounder butt that will contribute to overall strength and posture.

So, commit to regular upper glute workouts to see noticeable improvements in both size and shape.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.