ROI Isn’t Always About Money… Say Whaaaaaat?

I’ve been in business long enough to understand how important ROI is (return on investment).  However, I’ve also been in business long enough to understand that ROI doesn’t always mean bringing in dollars.  When your only focus on your business is to make money, you’ve already lost.  You’ve missed the entire point of owning and operating your own business.

Owning a business is about providing a service or product that solves problems.  That service and product don’t even need to be compensated by exchanging funds.  “But Matt, how am I supposed to keep the lights on?”  It’s very simple.  Give more.  Provide people with value.


Confused?  Let me dig in a little deeper.  ROI is a return.  It’s something you get for investing or giving/providing something.  When you give, don’t expect something in return.  When you give your time… don’t expect something back from the person or people.  When you donate product or goods, don’t expect anything back from them.  When you do something without expectations, there’s a sense of fulfillment in knowing you’re doing the right thing.


ROI can be seeing your community thriving because you donated money or your time to help build a new park or facility.  ROI can be seeing the smile on your child’s face when you surprise them with a dinner out at their favorite restaurant.  ROI can be helping an old lady across the street and her thanking you for assisting her with something that could be extremely stressful to her.

You’re not looking for anything in return from those examples I just mentioned.  You need to think about that in everything that you do.  Sure, you need to make money from your business to pay your employees, keep the doors open, and provide enough money to keep a roof over your head and food on your table.  But, stop looking at the financial ROI on everything you do in your life.  It’s not all about money.  When money and finances are the only things running your entire being, you’re going to tend to run a pretty selfish versus selfless life.

While no one will ever shy away from becoming wealthy, focus on your ROI of being RICH with experiences.  I guarantee that the more good you do by giving will help grow your business and personal brand more than any other strategy out there.  Let that sink in for a little and try it for yourself.  I’m willing to bet you will be more than happy with the mindset shift.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.