Working Out with the Apple Airpods Pro: Worth the Money?

I sit here staring at my Apple Airpods Pro with a joyful yet painful expression on my face as I type this article. I’ve been an Airpods fan since the very first version was launched (which I still use to this day). When the launch of the Apple Airpods Pro happened, I sat back and waited. Ok, that’s not true. I went out and bought them the first week they were available. I love everything about them, but not without a few pain points. I wear them for everything, including workouts. You’d think I would recommend them, right? But maybe I don’t. Here’s what you need to know about working out with the Apple Airpods Pro.

The Apple Airpods Pro Are EXCELLENT for Workouts

Do I regret purchasing the Apple Airpods Pro? Absolutely not. I wear them for phone calls, to listen to YouTube videos, jam to music, to cancel out all of the noise in my office and house when I need to concentrate on work, and of course when I work out. From a usage standpoint, I can’t find a reason why I would ever choose something over the Apple Airpods Pro.

Related Article: Axum Gear Earbuds — Worth the Money?

Now, I’m also a HUGE Beats fan. In fact, I have two of the same version (only one is wired, and the other is wireless). Do I love the bass that comes with the Beats when I work out? I sure do. But the issue is, when I move around or lay down on the bench, they start moving and shifting on me. Now, I know what you’re going to say, “Well, Matt, why not just get the Beats earbuds?” And you got me on that one. I very well could have purchased them. However, I think they look horrible (my personal opinion).

When I work out, I don’t want to worry about my earbuds/headphones from moving around or falling out. The Apple Airpods Pro comes with several tips that allow you to choose the tip that suits your ear canal’s size. Once they are in place (assuming you have the correct tip on), you will have zero worries about them coming out unless you want them to come out. I’ve run in them, jumped around, and put them through a bunch of tests, and they wouldn’t come out. Did they get a tiny bit loose every once and a while when I forcefully moved to try to get them to shift? Sure. But nothing that would worry me that they were about to fall out.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.