Skin Health and Proper Hydration for Physique Perfection

If you’re looking to achieve physique perfection, there are several things that go into the equation. Your nutrition is extremely important. Your workouts are imperative. And an area that not too many people focus on is their skin health and their skincare routine. Some of you might actually be chuckling as you’ve never paid much attention to your skin because you don’t consider yourself “old.” That may be true right now, but the fact of the matter is, you’re not getting any younger – therefore, you need to start thinking about your skin health NOW.

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When it comes to your skin, many fail to realize that it’s the largest organ of the body. Yes, you heard that right. So, just like your liver and kidneys, your skin plays an important role in your overall health and the appearance of your physique. Think about competitors these days and how smooth, tight, and youthful their skin looks. It’s because they do all the right things to improve their skin health. Let’s take a look at some of the ways focusing on your skin health can help you achieve physique perfection.


Things to Consider Regarding Skin Health

Check out the below to get a better understanding about skin health and what you should understand when it comes to your skin.

1. Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

When you focus on your hydration and drinking enough fluids throughout the day, it ensures your skin is hydrated and looking its best. When you are dehydrated, your skin will start to show wrinkles and lines since it’s missing the fluid that helps keep it plump, tight, and smooth.

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2. Slow the aging process

Water is extremely important in helping ALL of the organs in our body (not just our skin) function properly. When our body does not have proper hydration levels, it causes our body to work harder to perform everyday processes which in turn can cause our body to age more quickly due to the stress put on it. Becoming dehydrated can also negatively affect your skin health.

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3. Combat acne and excessive oils

Our skin works similarly to that of an automated machine. When something is lacking, more is produced to improve skin health. When you are dehydrated, your skin sends a signal for the glands to produce more oils. This is a defense mechanism and an effort to protect and preserve the skin. By taking care of your skin and focusing on proper hydration, these signals are shut off (or at least minimized) so it won’t create as much build-up of oil which could cause an acne breakout.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.