Should You Buy a Mass Gainer or Make Your Own?

I’m not going to beat around the bush—I am not a fan of mass gainers at all. And when I say I’m not a fan, I mean I refused to sell them when I worked for a large supplement company and it drove them nuts. I simply don’t believe in them and think 99% of them are complete garbage. In fact, I would walk into an account, they would want to purchase my mass gainer, and I would talk them out of it.

The people up at corporate just about had their heads explode, but I didn’t care. By the time I walked out of the account, I had fewer sales and less commission, but a much better feeling about convincing the store owner to go a different route. In addition, the store owner had more trust in me than others coming into his store basically selling snake oil just to get a commission check. So, in the end, it worked out in my favor since I refused to sell products I didn’t believe in. It gained me a lot of respect in the industry and in my territory.

Related Article: Here is Why I Say Mass Gainers Are Junk

Why purchase or make a mass gainer?

There are actually several reasons why someone would want to use a mass gainer. One reason is that they are a hard-gainer. These individuals can seemingly eat whatever they want, whenever they want, in whatever quantity they want, and never gain weight. It’s as if they have a hollow leg or something.

It can be quite frustrating if that individual is looking to put on quality size and muscle mass. I should know, I was that kid who was always skinny, ate whatever I wanted, and never gained an ounce. These are also the individuals that people jokingly hate because they have an extremely high metabolism.

For me, personally, once it was time to flip the switch and get serious about fitness, it felt like I was spinning my wheels trying to put on size. I’d have a surplus in calories, but nothing would ever change on the scale or in the mirror. I ended up going the route of a mass gainer, but soon after decided it wasn’t for me and started making my own in a blender. I’ll touch on this more later and why I feel it’s potentially a better option for you.

Another reason why individuals use mass gainers is for that purpose solely—they want to put on mass. They aren’t a hard-gainer, yet they want to quickly add some size to their frame, so they go this route rather than trying to fit in more meals and consume more food on a daily basis. While I’ll always recommend real food over any supplements, potentially trying to add an additional 1,000 calories or so can be difficult going the real food route due to the sheer volume of food needing to be consumed. Downing a shake is an easier feat than consuming another large meal or even two extra meals to aid in your caloric surplus for the day.

A third reason, but not very common in our industry, is malnourishment. If someone isn’t getting enough of the essential nutrients they need on a daily basis in order to maintain their health, some doctors and professionals will recommend they take something like a meal replacement or a mass gainer to fill in the gaps. A mass gainer is usually a last resort, but if an individual is not consuming a well-balanced diet, they could benefit through the use of this supplement to add an extremely high caloric meal to their regimen. Generally, these individuals are sick, could potentially have health issues, or unfortunately not have the means to support themselves and therefore sustainable food sources, while a priority, isn’t financially feasible all the time.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.