How to Effectively Reduce Stress and Feel Better TODAY

You’re stressed. You know it, and I know it. We live in a society where we are constantly on the go and always rushing to do something. While this can be extremely productive, it can also take a toll on your health due to the amount of stress we put on ourselves. When we are stressed, it raises cortisol levels, which can lead to weight gain. In an effort to help you reduce stress and feel better, I have put together a list of strategies for you to try and see which works for you.

1. Read a book

Reading a book slows down the world around you. You get so focused on the content of the book that you forget about all of the hustle and bustle around your life. It’s just you and a good book. Find an enjoyable book. While I love self-help type books where you can learn something, I would prefer you to find a book that would help take your mind away from work for a little.

If you can sit down and read a book each night for anywhere between 30-60 minutes, that will make for a great strategy to help you reduce stress and feel better.

2. Meditation

While not everyone’s cup of tea, meditation can drastically reduce stress and tends to relieve some of the tension you may be feeling in your body. During meditation, you can either sit in a quiet and dark room or in a dark room with some soft and soothing music playing in the background.

All you want to do now is focus on your breathing while clearing your thoughts. Remove yourself from the stress in your life and from work. Focus on taking deep breaths and exhaling out all the stress you feel.

3. Exercise

While the complete opposite of #2, exercise is a fantastic way to reduce stress and feel better. Personally, when I’m stressed out or upset over something, I’ll go get in a workout and take my stress and frustration out on the weights. Generally speaking, some of my best workouts are when I’m stressed out or angry over a situation that put me in a bad mood. I highly suggest you give it a try.

Related Article: Discontinuation of Supplements Still Helps to Reduce Stress

Now, don’t go crazy and load up a weight you can’t handle and think you’re going to move it, that could lead to injury. Stay within your strength, but it’s ok to push yourself a little harder when training with weights or doing cardio on a piece of equipment. Or better yet, go hit a punching bag (with gloves on, of course). Reducing stress can also help you lose weight.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.