Internet Censorship Is Getting Out of Control

Who would have ever thought that people who are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle by motivating others would be censored on social media? It appears that internet censorship has gone to a whole new level lately with things people can and can’t say or use in their ads.

Lee Priest: The Latest Industry Target for Internet Censorship

Look, I’m the first person to say that we shouldn’t have people scamming others by being deceptive in ads or with their posts on the internet. But things are getting out of control. Recently on many YouTube channels, it has been brought to our attention that Lee Priest, a professional bodybuilder, has been flagged for his Facebook ads. What was he promoting? A new movie coming out. Yup, that’s right… A MOVIE. What was the image being used that got pulled? Take a peek below.

internet censorship
internet censorship

Please help me understand why the powers that be would remove this ad from running. What harm is this image doing? Now, if you read the description to the left, their reasoning aligns with most internet censorship these days and it has to do with a bunch of snowflakes getting their feelings hurt because they aren’t mentally and physically strong enough to work for what they want in life. This world is now full of a bunch of participation trophies and last place WINNERS.

Let me spell out this internet censorship from what Facebook posted about Lee’s image.

“Image Issue

This ad isn’t running because it uses images that excessively focus on a person’s body or any given body part (ex: focusing on abs or belly fat). This can make users feel bad about themselves and goes against our core value of fostering a positive global community. To learn more and see examples, check out Advertising Policies.

What to do next: Avoid images with close-ups of specific body parts or before-and-after photos.”

Are you kidding me? Here’s a thought… if it offends you, don’t look at it or read it. I know Lee likes to joke around and make fun of people but I don’t see any reason why someone would look at his image and be offended. So, if looking at someone who is in shape offends someone, what’s not to say someone posting an image of them at 400 pounds with a body fat of 70+ percent doesn’t offend someone? Will there be internet censorship towards obese people? This whole internet censorship thing is absurd. Someone can get triggered over literally ANYTHING these days. How can you control things? You can’t. Therefore, you need to just suck it up.

Facebook Owns Instagram, Right?

If you have an Instagram account, have you clicked on “search” and scroll through the images? It’s full of chicks with tit and ass shots. Women basically with their boobs out, holding a product for a promotional shot. Where’s the internet censorship on that? So, do women with no boobs go and riot because there is another female with a bigger chest than her? No. The stupidity level with internet censorship is insane.

Facebook is using internet censorship to protect the obese and justify their weight. But they have no issue with butthole and nip-slip picture on Instagram? Give me a break! I don’t know why so many people online have an issue with people who are in shape. I fully understand since I’m in the industry that many of the models you see in magazines and on the stage are using some sort of performance-enhancing drug, but that has nothing to do with promoting health and fitness.

Here’s what I think needs to happen. Someone needs to toss internet censorship out the window and create a Facebook/Instagram copycat platform. Obviously, you wouldn’t allow nudity or violence, but stop using internet censorship to push your agenda or “not offend people.” In case no one has noticed, for people who get easily triggered and are all for internet censorship, they are generally some of the whiniest people on the planet who complain about everything. We should have a platform just for them and call it Bitchbook or Instatrigger.

Stop Spreading Positivity and Motivation – It’s OFFENSIVE!

This country is becoming weak and internet censorship is smack dab in the middle of it all trying to “protect people’s feelings.” You can feel however you want – you have that right. But honestly, no one really cares about your feelings. Crawl under your security blanket, head to your safe space, grab your teddy bear, and be held by your mommy. Just get out of the way of those who are actually trying to make a difference in this world and are perfectly fine putting in the work while you complain and think you’re entitled like a little spoiled brat.

Heck, personal trainers and supplement companies aren’t even allowed to put before-and-after images in their ads anymore. Are you kidding me? The whole point of the ad is to show the amazing transformation someone made through hard work and a lifestyle change. But apparently, that offends people who aren’t in shape or willing to make their health and fitness a priority. I guess it’s someone else’s fault when they have a heart attack too?

Whatever happened to people motivating others with the “if I can do it, you can do it” mentality? Now, when you make those types of posts, you get a bunch of hate thrown your way, told you look sickly, told you look like a man, told you don’t look healthy, etc. I mean, WTF? Why should there be internet censorship on people who want to motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle? It makes no sense.

I don’t know what the future holds for all of us, but I truly believe this is just the tip of the iceberg for internet censorship. I think more and more “fit” individuals will be targeted in the coming months because through all of this internet censorship, we want to accept the fact that people are getting lazy and overweight. It’s the new norm. No longer are we attempting to fight the obesity epidemic, we are now trying to justify it and say it’s ok – and it’s not. And God forbid you mention someone’s weight. That will have you labeled a bully.

Unfortunately, I can relate to what Lee Priest is going through. I, too, have been the target of internet censorship where articles of mine have been removed because it “offended” someone. It’s called personal accountability. If something triggers you just from reading it when it wasn’t directly focused on you (the individual), that should tell you something. And when I say tell you something, I mean, speak directly to your soul that there is something you have been neglecting and need to take care of. Personal accountability is what we all need. No more participation trophies. No more internet censorship. It all needs to go away if we want our society and country to once again be strong.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.