A Comprehensive Guide on How to Strengthen Your Core Muscles

Your core is the center of your body, made up of 12 muscle groups that run from your groin to your shoulders. Because it is the center, or “core,” core exercises are done with your entire body, not just individual parts. You will see strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance by targeting multiple muscle groups at once to improve your core muscles and their roles. And this article will help lay out what you need to know to strengthen your core muscles.

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The core is one of the most important areas for developing overall strength along with improving balance and preventing injury. Therefore, it’s important that we fully understand how to strengthen your core muscles as well as the roles they play in our everyday lives.

This article will help explain some of the most common types of core strength exercises, including push-ups and planks, as well as explain why these types are considered core exercises instead of training specific core muscles.

Related Article: The Best Core Exercises to Protect You from Injury

Why Should You Strengthen Your Core Muscles?

Core training isn’t just for athletes — it’s important for everyone. Here are five reasons why you should include core exercises in your workouts to help strengthen your core muscles:

1. Maintain good posture

If you can strengthen your core muscles, it can help you maintain good posture, which reduces stress on your spine. Over time, poor posture can lead to chronic pain and muscle tightness in the upper back and neck.

2. Reduce back pain

Weak abdominal muscles put pressure on the spine and can lead to back pain or even hernias. Strengthening the core muscles helps reduce this pressure on your lower back.

3. Increase flexibility in your hips and shoulders

By being able to strengthen your core muscles, you’ll have a better range of motion in your arms as well as greater flexibility in your hips and shoulders. This is important because it makes it easier to do daily activities like lifting groceries or picking up children without getting injured or straining yourself unnecessarily.

4. Core exercises can help tone your abs

The abdominals are one of the most visible parts of your core and often the first place people notice when they are toned. So, it’s no surprise that many people want to know how to get some rock-hard six-pack abs! Here’s a great book to consider reading as well to help strengthen your core muscles.

Related Article: Functional Strength Training vs. Strength Training

5. Better balance

The ability to strengthen your core muscles means that you have better control over them when moving around or lifting things which can help prevent falls or slips. In addition, having a good balance will make it easier for you to perform everyday tasks such as lifting children or carrying shopping bags without getting tired quickly (and we all know that it’s a game of trying to carry all the shopping bags in one trip which requires strength and stability built from a strong core).

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.