Does Your Life Really Change When You’re Fit and Healthy?

We are in some trying times here in the United States. To say that the health of Americans is on the decline would be an understatement. Fewer and fewer people are taking care of their health, which comes with a cost. But if they were to shift their focus and mindset, would their life really change if they were fit and healthy?

Let’s take a look at some of the things people may experience when they start focusing on their nutrition and activity level. Does their life improve if they can become fit and healthy?

Being Fit and Healthy Puts Less Stress on the Body

There’s no kidding the fact that when you are overweight and obese, it puts greater stress on the body. Everything from the heart, lungs, organs, blood vessels, joints, etc. Think about how many people complain about their knees, hips, and ankles hurting who are overweight or obese. When you’re fit and healthy, that all can go away for the most part.

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Granted, if you have beat-up joints from being overweight and all of a sudden you get down to a normal and healthy body weight, you may still have some carryover of pain in your joints from your time being big. That said, some of the pain you may be feeling could be from inflammation throughout the body.

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When you change up your nutrition and focus on getting fit and healthy, you can lower the amount of inflammation in the body since unhealthy foods can trigger inflammation. Poor nutritional habits can create a domino effect of adverse health conditions that generally don’t tend to be there when you’re fit and healthy.

Feel Better About Yourself and More Confident

I’m not here to poke fun at or judge people who are overweight, but you can’t be truly happy when you’re obese. Many people look in the mirror, hate how they look, and then bury their emotions in more food as a coping mechanism. If only they could find their “why,” it could change the way they look at their health and life and take corrective action to make improvements.

When you’re fit and healthy, or at least making progress on losing weight and improving your health and physique, it changes a lot of things. You start feeling more confident about the way you look. You start looking at your life through a different lens. You start seeing what you’re truly capable of and being able to overcome obstacles you thought were impossible to overcome.

Building confidence and feeling better about yourself allows you to hold your head up high and take control of your life and actions. You look in the mirror and see the progress, and it motivates you to keep pushing forward. The hardest part is taking that first step and then following through with it each and every day.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.