Advanced Rehydrating 101: The Power of Glycerol

Are you someone who trains regularly? Do you expect to perform optimally each and every time you walk into the gym? You probably slammed your pre-workout, are jacked up on caffeine, but then you still wonder why your workouts suck. It could be due to your lack of focus on hydration levels. Whaaaat? It’s true. Something as simple as hydration could be causing you to fall short in your workouts. Advanced rehydrating is something everyone who trains should pay close attention to, and it should involve glycerol. 

Did you know that your exercise performance can diminish significantly if your body is dehydrated by only 2%? Why would you want that to happen? Not only that, but hydration levels are key to keeping your muscles looking full while also helping nutrients move throughout the body and aid with recovery.

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In this article, we are going to take a deeper look into advanced rehydrating and how glycerol supplementation can play a vital role in enhancement. 

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. The information found within this article is not medical advice and should not supersede a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan should you have a health condition. The use of glycerol supplements should never be a replacement for any medication that your doctor puts you on.

Advanced Rehydrating with Glycerol 

Now, if glycerol is something you heard of but are unsure where, it’s actually quite common in many different supplements across several sports nutrition categories. For instance, you can find glycerol in pre-workouts, intra-workouts, and even hydration supplements. Why is this? It’s simple… Because it works! 

When looking at the label on your favorite supplements, glycerol may also be called a few different names, such as glycerine and glycerin.

Glycerol is an ingredient added to many supplements to help the body rehydrate and pull water into the muscles (causing that fullness and 3D look).

What Are the Benefits of Glycerol Supplementation? 

Whether you’re an endurance athlete, a bodybuilder, an elite athlete, or even a weekend warrior, you can experience some incredible benefits through the use of glycerol. Below are some of the most common benefits and how supplementing with glycerol can improve your performance and results.

1. Improve Hydration Levels

When it comes to advanced rehydration, glycerol should be one of the first supplements that come to mind. Why? Because its claim to fame is hyperhydrating the cells and allowing the body to retain water (in a good way, not in a bloated beached whale way), increasing the overall volume while also helping move fluid more efficiently throughout the body.

Related Article: Should You Switch to a Liquid Glycerol Pre-Workout?

Dehydration is a serious condition and can have deadly consequences if not made a focus and concern. It’s vital to ensure you are hydrating your body if you are out in the heat where you sweat or during workouts where you perspire and need to replenish the fluid that was lost.

The use of glycerol can help you retain fluids to maintain athletic and exercise performance. It also pushes fluid into the muscles to help provide a pump, only without the need for commonly associated nitric oxide production (more on this shortly).

With all this being said, glycerol isn’t able to truly maximize its hyperhydration benefit unless you consume adequate water along with it. Therefore, anytime you are supplementing with glycerol, it is essential that you increase your water intake at the same time.

2. Muscle Pumps 

Another benefit due to advanced rehydrating that accompanies the use of glycerol is the muscle pumps. When fluid is retained and pushed into the cells, it causes a “volumizing” effect on the cell. This cellular hyperhydration causes the muscle to swell, improving the overall look and appearance of a muscle.

Related Article: Why Would You Want to Combine Nitrosigine & HydroPrime?

When you think of pumps, you tend to think about the use of nitric oxide-producing supplements such as N.O. boosters — various forms of arginine and even ingredients like citrulline malate. Glycerol is different in that it doesn’t affect nitric oxide levels at all. The muscle pumps are strictly due to the increased volume of water in muscle cells.

Taking this into consideration, if you want an even crazier pump and insane vascularity during workouts, glycerol can be used beside N.O.-inducing supplements to further enhance the effects.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.