Why Is Your Health Not Your Most Prized Possession?

Why is it that we put so much emphasis on materialistic things that we don’t look at what we have right in front of us – our health. Everyone wants the new pair of Yeezy’s or Jordan’s. They want the Rolex or AP watch. Yet no one wants to spend any money on their health or treat it like their most prized possession. Why is that? Do they not understand the value that their health holds?

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.

most prized possession

What Exactly is Considered a Most Prized Possession?

A “most prized possession” is a subjective concept that refers to an item or object that holds significant value and importance to an individual. This could be due to sentimental, emotional, personal, or even financial reasons. What is considered a most prized possession can vary widely from person to person, as it is based on individual preferences, experiences, and attachments.

For some people, a most prized possession might be a family heirloom with sentimental value, such as a piece of jewelry passed down through generations. Others might treasure objects that hold memories of important life events, like a souvenir from a special trip or a gift from a loved one.

In contrast, some individuals may value possessions based on their functionality or utility, such as a tool or instrument crucial to their work or hobbies. Others might place high value on items that represent personal achievements, like a diploma, award, or a piece of art they created.

Ultimately, the definition of a most prized possession is deeply personal and can encompass a wide range of items, each holding a unique significance for the individual who values it.

Why Do Most People Not View Their Health as Their Most Prized Possession?

most prized possession

While many people do recognize the importance of health, there are several reasons why some individuals may not view it as their most prized possession, at least not until they face health challenges. Here are a few possible reasons:

  1. Taken for Granted: Good health is often taken for granted until it is compromised. When individuals are feeling well and are not facing any significant health issues, they may not actively think about the importance of their health.
  2. Invisible Nature of Health: Unlike tangible possessions that can be seen and touched, health is often invisible. People may prioritize tangible and visible items, like cars, houses, or gadgets, over something intangible like their health.
  3. Cultural and Social Influences: Cultural and societal norms can play a role in shaping people’s values and priorities. In some cultures, material possessions or achievements may be more highly emphasized than overall health.
  4. Immediate Gratification vs. Long-Term Investment: Material possessions often provide immediate gratification, while the benefits of maintaining good health are often seen as long-term investments. People may prioritize immediate pleasures or gains over long-term well-being.
  5. Lack of Awareness: Some individuals may not fully understand the importance of health until they experience health challenges. Lack of awareness or knowledge about the impact of lifestyle choices on health may contribute to not prioritizing it.
  6. Stress and Busy Lifestyles: Modern life often comes with hectic schedules, stress, and busy lifestyles. People may prioritize work, responsibilities, and social activities, neglecting to give sufficient attention to their health until health issues arise.
  7. Personal Values and Beliefs: Different individuals prioritize different aspects of life based on their personal values and beliefs. Some may place a higher value on career success, relationships, or personal achievements, which can sometimes take precedence over health.

It’s important to note that perceptions of health can change when individuals face health challenges or as they age. Many people start to prioritize health more as they recognize its impact on their overall well-being and quality of life. Encouraging awareness, education, and a proactive approach to health can contribute to shifting perspectives on the value of one’s well-being.

Without Your Health You Have Nothing — Make It Your Most Prized Possession

most prized possession

Let me get this straight… you’ll buy a pair of Yeezy’s for $400+ but you won’t spend $10 per month on a gym membership? Do you realize that those Yeezy’s probably won’t last you a full year before they get dirty, fall apart, and then wind up in the trash? That same investment of $400 would give you 40 months of a gym membership – that’s over three years. Which seems like a better investment?

Your most prized possession is materialistic and will lose its luster after some time. No one has the same pride and excitement to put on a Rolex watch for the 1,389th time versus that very first time you made the purchase and put it on your wrist. Sure, the status symbol may be the same but it no longer has the same satisfaction that it once did.

When you invest in your health and exercise regularly, your health and your body become your most prized possession. You see the changes you are making. You see the improvements and how your quality of life is enhanced. Your health and your body become a badge of honor. When you have your health, there truly isn’t much else that matters.

You can’t buy good health. There’s no magic pill to swallow. Sure, you can purchase supplements and nutritious food. But at the end of the day, you’re going to need to put in the work. You’re going to need to exercise. You’re going to need consistency and dedication. The most fulfilling thing about focusing on your health and making it your most prized possession is that with each passing day that you improve, you become a little prouder of yourself and your accomplishments.

Unlike the materialistic possession that loses its shine over time, your health and body are constantly changing, evolving, and becoming better and healthier. Your best investment is in your health. We have far too many people in America who are sick due to their poor lifestyle choices. We have people suffering from obesity, cancer, depression, and many other diseases that could be prevented if they put their focus where it needs to be — on their health.

You Need to Take a Look in the Mirror

Are you truly happy with your life and where you are? Are you hiding behind materialistic possessions to give the illusion of something and someone you aren’t? Are you buying things to look a certain way, impress certain people, and essentially “fake it until you make it?”

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.