8 Reasons Why Your _ _ _ _ Is Small and How to Fix It

Unfortunately, you might not be blessed with the biggest body parts. In fact, you could have an area that is well, smaller than average. And that’s fine. Don’t worry, I’m going to tell you how to fix it! I have a list of reasons why you’re small and how you can get bigger. The first thing you need to do is understand that you have a problem, and that to feel fulfilled and like a man, you need to take action. Failure to do so will leave the ladies wanting more and you know what happens with a wandering eye. But, don’t worry. I’m going to explain how you can get bigger and rock hard.

I’m not sure what you were expecting when you clicked on this article, but it has nothing to do with your manhood – but if that’s small, well, I can’t help you in that department. This article is a fill in the blank as to why certain muscle groups on your physique are small. There can be several reasons, and because of this, we are going to take a look under the hood and help you get the answers you need on how to fix it and add more quality mass to your frame.

Why is your (fill in the blank) is small?

Why are certain muscle groups so small? Let’s dive a little deeper and find the answer… 

No Intensity

You get out of your workouts what you put into them. If you’re lifting light, not squeezing the muscle hard, not minimizing rest periods, and not in the gym to completely destroy the weights… there’s your answer why you’re complaining that something is small and how to fix it. You should damn near be dragging yourself out of the gym and feel soreness in the days following (DOMS). Stop lollygagging around in the gym, stop talking to all the spicy senoritas, and start hammering the weight. That chick you’re eyeing up from across the gym, she sees your lagging body parts. Fix them. Fast.

Neglecting Body Parts

Speaking of lagging body parts… if you are neglecting body parts, do you really need to wonder why it’s falling behind the rest of your body? Do you skip leg day? Do you neglect calves? Do you have huge upper arms, but toothpick forearms? Focus on them. If you are neglecting body parts and not truly stimulating the muscle fibers, how do you expect those muscle fibers to grow bigger and stronger? They won’t! Get in the gym, focus on your weaknesses and build up those muscle groups that you have been neglecting.

Lack of Strength

While it is possible to put on some size using lighter weights, you’re missing out on massive growth potential by not lifting heavier. If you’re doing sets of 20-25, you’re not maximizing your gains. Keep the weight heavy, yet controllable, and push for 8-12 reps. Feel free to completely change it up and toss in some pure strength workouts where you are working in the 4-8 rep range to build upon your strength. Improving your strength allows you to constantly be overloading the muscles. When you use the same weight every single workout, it’s no different than you getting out of bed in the morning, it’s just a ritual at that point that doesn’t take much thought or effort – your body isn’t going to be forced to change if you aren’t willing to challenge it. Go load more weight on the bar and move it!

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.