Magic Fitness Pill in the Works? Seriously?

Previously I published content on why a magic fitness pill wouldn’t solve anything in terms of our behaviors as a society. I also mentioned I didn’t feel it would do much to fix our obesity epidemic. The last thing I said in the article is that a magic pill will never exist. Well, I might be eating my words soon. Researchers now believe that they have data that could very well bring to market the pill that we all joked about.

Less is more through a magic fitness pill?

Researchers for a while now have known about myostatin and the effects it plays in the body. Myostatin is a protein that is released by myocytes within the body that inhibit muscle growth. For those of you who follow bodybuilding, know that in order to put on insane size, myostatin in the body needs to be suppressed. Many call this the secret key to muscle growth yet no one is really truly sure how to suppress it. For those of you who have seen animals such as cattle and dogs that are insanely muscular, that’s due to a gene mutation caused by a lack of myostatin. Those with low or no myostatin have incredible muscle mass and strength compared to those who have myostatin in their body.

So, what does this have to do with being a magic fitness pill? Well, the less myostatin you have in the body, the more muscle mass you can put on your frame. The more muscle mass you have on your frame, the more calories you can burn even while at rest since muscles are constantly using up energy and therefore burning calories. Let’s put it this way, if you can put on muscle mass without truly having to do much thanks to the suppression or removal of myostatin, your body becomes a furnace and is constantly burning calories throughout the day, even if you are sitting on the couch. This in turn, can help people lose weight much easier than fighting the effects of myostatin and having to diet and do cardio in order to burn calories on top of resistance training in the gym to make very little natural muscle mass gains.

Researchers have been looking at myostatin for a while now, especially when it comes to muscle wasting diseases such as muscular dystrophy. If they can suppress the levels of myostatin in these individuals, they will then have the ability to strengthen their muscles back up and put on lean muscle mass once again. There are also cases where some humans are lacking myostatin and are naturally more muscular and leaner than majority of the people around them. While all of this is quite rare, it does happen on occasion.

How suppression can help the obese

When it comes to obesity, researchers now believe that some cases might be due to the person having too much myostatin present. Producing too much myostatin can make it difficult for an individual to lose weight even when exercising and dieting. One researcher mentioned, “Given that exercise is one of the most effective interventions for obesity, this creates a cycle by which a person becomes trapped in obesity.” In order for these individuals to regain their life and functions, they would need a way to suppress the levels of myostatin found in their body.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.